Legal information
Access and use of the information and the materials on, are registered by the Russian Federation on the copyright (July, 9th, 1993 N 5351-1), and also by the certificates of the international legislation operating in the given sphere.

  • MICS сompany owns the right of regulation of access to a site and can undertake the other lawful actions directed on protection of interests and the rights of the company.

  • All trade marks are the property of corresponding firms and are protected by the rights of their owners.

  • Use and citing of materials are supposed only with referring to a site of the company, otherwise it is breach of copyright and it is forbidden the legal owner. The information placed on a site of MICS company, cannot be used in commercial objectives without notice and the written approval of the company.

  • Coupling and databases are subject to mistakes and failures, and we cannot guarantee, that the information loaded from our site or any another on which references are conducted, does not contain a virus or other program code, capable to put out of action or damage the system, the software or user's data, thus the company does not account if use of a site cause any damages of your equipment or program

  • The Company does not account for the maintenance of materials on sites on which references are conducted, as well as for consequences of users application of the similar information as the maintenance of the given information and its safety, legality and decency cannot be checked by the company.

  • Also we are not responsible for reliability of the information and quality of the goods and the services received by means of realization of offers, the information about which is received by activization of the banners placed on a site or other information of advertising character.

  • The Company does not account the direct user, nor before any third party for any direct or indirect damage, losses or the missed benefit which has become by result of use of the information, placed on this site.

  • Placing MICS logo on any site is supposed only at presence of the direct reference from the mentioned trade mark on a site Any attempts of accommodation of the logo without the coordination with the official owner are considered as infringement of the law on copyrights according to the current legislation.